
Encouragement 3 August 1943
Behold the man, a dark silhouette
Emerging from the heavenly grayness
Hunched over, dull-eyed and oh so uninspired
His mouth open in a pointless prayer.
Behold the man, mocked, trampled on, slain,
A bowed back, a limp arm
A blank look, empty and perturbed
His body already broken, his spirit too
His vigor sapped by sadness.
Is that a man? That pitiful creature?
A man of words, courageous deeds?
A warrior, tall and proud and brave?
A pillar of the new society?
Muscular and strong, stubborn and wild?
Come on, hold your head high, you can do it, be a man
You are young, you have a whole life ahead of you
Stand up, take pride in yourself, you are still pure
Shed the memories, leave them behind
Forget the suffering and pain of the past!
Heinz Geiringer (translated by Sheila Gogol)
Questions for Discussion:
1. This four stanza poem is addressing the readers. What does the title, “Encouragement “ tell you?
2. Where could Heinz be writing this poem? What tells you?
3. What adjectives are used is his description of “the man” in the first stanza?
4. Why does Heinz refer to “pointless prayer?” Can praying ever be “pointless?” Is it pointless to him? Why?
5. Stanza 2 has a further description of “ the man”. Define the adjectives used to show the physical pain this “man” endured.
6. There is a complete shift in focus mood and attitude in Stanza 3 as he defines who this man really should be. Define who Heinz knows this man
to really be. Be specific.
7. Stanza 4 gives “the man” instruction. What particular words stand out to you.?
8. What importance is the terminal line of this poem?
9. Who is “the man”?