American Red Cross Poster
Suggested Teaching Instructions
World War I increased the demand for the services offered by the Red Cross. The American Red Cross used posters, like the one pictured here, to solicit donations and volunteers to help with their humanitarian efforts. The propaganda campaigns appear to have been successful since the number of members increased from 16,708 in 1914 to 20,390,173 in 1918. The total amount of donations, including money and materials, for 1918 reached 400 million dollars.
Essential Question
How do citizens contribute to a war effort?
Check for Understanding
Identify the main idea of the poster and explain the purpose.
Historical Challenges
What services does the American Red Cross provide today? Who do these services help? How does the Red Cross help in modern conflicts abroad?
Interdisciplinary Connections
English Language Art: Write a letter home to your parents describing your work as a Red Cross volunteer in World War I.
Science: Research and describe one particular medical technology used in army hospitals during World War I.