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Chronological Reasoning and Causation

Armenian Genocide: What is the cost of war?

  1. Load Armenian Refugee Children, Valley of Sorek, 1918 in Main Image Viewer
  2. Load Armenian Refugees temporarily housed in a convent, Jerusalem, Palestine in Main Image Viewer
  3. Load Armenian Orphans, Jerusalem, Palestine, 1918 in Main Image Viewer
  4. Load Destruction at Adana, Armenia, 1918 in Main Image Viewer
  5. Load Adana, Armenia, 1909 in Main Image Viewer
  6. Load Tarsus Destruction, Armenian Genocide, 1918 in Main Image Viewer
  7. Load Appeal from the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, 1918 in Main Image Viewer
  8. Load Armenian Relief Pamphlet and Adoption Agreement, July 1918 in Main Image Viewer
  9. Load Armenian Relief Pamphlet and Adoption Agreement, July 1918 in Main Image Viewer
  10. Load Photograph of Dr. John H. Finley of the Armenian Relief Effort with Armenian children, 1918 in Main Image Viewer

Suggested Teaching Instructions

Setting the Stage
What was the Armenian Genocide and why is it so controversial? Introduce this short video discussing the events and causes of the genocide. Discuss as a class. 
What was Armenian Genocide?



Learning Standards and Practices
10.5 UNRESOLVED GLOBAL CONFLICT (1914–1945): World War I and World War II led to geopolitical changes, human and environmental devastation, and attempts to bring stability and peace. (Standards: 2, 3, 4, 5; Themes: TCC, GEO, GOV, CIV, TECH, EXCH)
10.5e Human atrocities and mass murders occurred in this time period. Ø Students will examine the atrocities against the Armenians; examine the Ukrainian Holodomor, and examine the Holocaust.