Interpreting the Evidence
The Bare Facts: Hispanics and Education, Hispanic Policy Development Project, c. 1988
Suggested Teaching Instructions
Document Description
Excerpt from "Hispanics and Education: Research Findings," Hispanic Policy Development Project, 1001 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Suite 310, Washington, DC 20036, ca. 1988.
Historical Context
Hispanics have made gains in several key areas in the past twenty years, but despite these gains, gaps in academic performance between Hispanic and non-Hispanic white students remain. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, Hispanic students have suspension/expulsion rates that are higher than those of whites, but lower than those of blacks. Hispanic students have higher high school dropout rates than white or black students. Hispanics students had higher NAEP reading, mathematics, and science scores in 1999 than in the 1970s, though the scores are still lower than those of white students. On a positive note, Hispanic students have narrowed the gap with whites on academic credits earned in high school, and more Hispanic students are taking Advanced Placement examinations. Hispanic enrollment in colleges and universities increased between 1980 and 2000, though a smaller proportion of Hispanics complete college compared to white and black students. Approximately two out of five Hispanics seventeen years old and over participate in adult education.
Essential Question
How are issues faced by immigrant populations different from those of existing populations?
Check for Understanding
Summarize the main idea of this document and explain the issues faced by hispanic children in the United States.
Historical Challenges
Complete a research project using information from the Census Bureau, as well as from the National Council of LaRaza, to find and compare changes that have occurred in education in the Latino community since the 1980s.
Locate a map of the Latino population in the United States created since the 2000 census. Work in teams to produce charts of states and populations made up of Spanish-speaking groups. Compare with the Hispanic population in 1988.
Take a poll of students who are employed while going to high school. Report the statistics and reasons why they work.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Math: Make a series of bar graphs comparing Hispanic educational statistics from 1988 with those of today.
English Language Arts: Write an article describing educational opportunities and accomplishments of Hispanic students at your high school over the past twenty years.