Interpreting the Evidence
Children Play Baseball in Central Park, New York City, c. 1900
Suggested Teaching Instructions
Document Description
Boys playing baseball in Central Park, New York City, c. 1900.
Historical Context
Central Park had no playgrounds when it was first constructed. Whole families would gather at the park on Sunday afternoons, and the children had to make their own play areas.
Essential Question
What do people do with their free time?
Check for Understanding
Describe what is happening in the photograph and compare it to how you spend your free time.
Historical Challenges
Write about how baseball equipment, clothing, and rules have changed since the early 1900s.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Math: Create your own baseball cards, including the statistics on the back.
Science: Find out how baseballs are made. Find out what bats are made of.
English Language Arts: Research the lives of some famous New York baseball players.