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Chronological Reasoning and Causation

The D & H Canal

  1. Load Florence, Philip & Ralph DeGroodt at Lackawaxen Aqueduct in Main Image Viewer
  2. Load Watercolor sketch, c. 1890, by E.L. Henry, of a girl driving mules on the Delaware and Hudson Canal in Main Image Viewer
  3. Load Watercolor sketch, c. 1890, by E.L. Henry, of a girl driving mules on the Delaware and Hudson Canal in Main Image Viewer

Suggested Teaching Instructions

Title: The D & H Canal



  • Students will evaluate the role of the D & H Canal in establishing interstate commerce, as well as being a springboard for other advances in technology and transportation.


  • Students will examine the market revolution, including technological developments, the development of transportation networks, the growth of domestic industries, the increased demands for free and enslaved labor,

(New York State Framework 11.3a Standards: 1, 3, 4, 5; Themes: TCC, GEO, GOV, ECO, TECH)the changing role of women, and the rise of political democracy

  • Students will examine how new technologies and economic models created rapid industrial growth and transformed the United States.  

(New York State Framework 11.5a Standards: 1, 3, 4, 5; Themes: TCC, GEO, SOC, CIV, TECH)

Investigative (Compelling) Question: 

         In what ways were the major developments in transportation revolutionary between 1800 and 1860?  

Time Required

  • This lesson is designed for two 45 minute class periods

Recommended Grade Range

  • This lesson is designed for eighth grade students

Subject: Social Studies

Standards: This lesson is designed to meet New York State Standard 1: 

                                         History of the United States and New York 

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York. 

Credits: Kimberly Cleary

                       Suffern High School

                      Social Studies Department Chairperson


Materials Used: 

  • Teacher will have access to a smart board to project images on Google Slides during presentation

  • Students will have hard copy/or digital copy of Handouts with readings 

  • Students will have assessment rubrics


Day 1 45 minute class period

  • Teacher will open the lesson with a short Google Slides presentation on the era of canal building in US History (10 minutes)

  •  Students will then be shown two paintings 

George Harvey’s Pittsford on the Erie Canal – A Sultry Calm, 1837

And On the towpath by E.L. Henry

  • Investigate: Students will then be in small groups of 3.  Each Groups will be asked to respond to the prompts on the worksheet

  • Students will then work together to fill out the chart  Students will share their discoveries with the whole class (30 minutes)

  • Exit Ticket (5 minutes)

               Day 2 45 minutes

  • Teachers will facilitate discussion reviewing what life was like during the time of canal building and translation to how it affected different groups(10 minutes)

  • Investigate: Students will then be in small groups of 3. They will work together using the S.P.Y. Method on the three documents provided: 


  • Exit Ticket (5minutes)