Interpreting the Evidence
Electoral College Ballot for Bill Clinton, 1992
Suggested Teaching Instructions
Document Description
A 1992 New York State Electoral College sample ballot for Bill Clinton for President of the United States.
Historical Context
The Electoral College was established by the Founding Fathers as a part of the original Constitution of the United States. It was seen as a compromise between having the president elected by popular vote and having Congress elect the president. New York State has thirty-one electoral votes. In New York, the elected officials who vote in the Electoral College are not bound by law to follow public opinion when casting their votes.
Essential Question
How do citizens participate in a democracy?
Check for Understanding
Identify the purpose of this document and use the information to explain the role of the Electoral College in the American voting system.
Historical Challenges
Which two presidents have won the electoral vote but not the popular vote?
Interdisciplinary Connections
Math: A presidential candidate has to receive more than half of the electoral votes to become president. If there are 538 total electoral votes, how many votes does a candidate need in order to have more than half of the votes?