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Interpreting the Evidence

Latino Voter Registration Drive Announcement, Association of Neighbors Concerned for Latino Advancement (ANCLA) c. 1997

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Suggested Teaching Instructions

Document Description
Press Release announcing a Voter Registration Drive during Latino Heritage Month, from the Association of Neighbors Concerned for Latino Advancement (ANCLA), ca. 1997.
Historical Context
In 1989, the Latino population of Syracuse, New York was growing rapidly. The Spanish Action League (SAL) had been organized in 1969 to help the Spanish-speaking population of the city with social services and assistance in the crucial areas of housing, employment, education, and family services. By the late 1980s, the organization was overwhelmed with direct service needs and had little time to work toward political changes that would help the Latino community move forward. As a result of attending Father Robert Chryst’s Hispanic Forum luncheons and the New York State Assembly Somos Uno conference in 1989, a group of people formed the Association of Neighbors Concerned for Latino Advancement (ANCLA). The grassroots organization has been involved in a number of projects that strengthen and promote the health of the Latino community. Voter registration drives are one of their goals to increase the voice of the community.
Essential Question
How do immigrant populations influence politics?
Check for Understanding
Identify the purpose of the poster and evaluate the significance of this document in encouraging civic participation by new immigrants.
Historical Challenges
What role did the Latino vote have in the 2004 presidential election? Research this question using some of the Resources listed below, and create a graph showing both the potential political power of Latinos in the U.S. and why presidential candidates should take Latino issues seriously.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Math: Compare population statistics with the number of Latino representatives in Congress. If representation existed in proportion to the population, what would be the expected number of Latinos serving in Congress? Create a graph depicting this statistical information.