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Interpreting the Evidence

League to Enforce Peace "Win the War for Permanent Peace" Convention

  1. Load League to Enforce Peace "Win the War for Permanent Peace" Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 17, 1918 in Main Image Viewer

Suggested Teaching Instructions

Document Description
Platform adopted by the League to Enforce Peace at the "Win the War for Permanent Peace" Convention on May 17, 1918 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Historical Context
The “Win the War for Permanent Peace” Convention was nation-wide in scope and lasted 3 days.  Ex-President William Howard Taft (President of the League to Enforce Peace), presided at the meeting, and emphasized the fact that there would be “no peace without victory.”  Many other speakers at the Convention supported the sentiments expressed by Mr. Taft. 
There were many addresses delivered at the “Win the War for Permanent Peace” Convention by a group of distinguished men and women that voiced America’s purpose in World War I.  The message that came out of these speeches was that the War must be won by the absolute defeat of Germany and a permanent peace must be established, guaranteed by a League of Nations. The addresses were exemplified in the platform which was adopted at the final session of the Convention.  The "Win the War for Permanent Peace" Convention defined the high mission of the League to Enforce Peace, and outlined its work and its aspirations.
Essential Question
How is peace obtained?
Check for Understanding
Summarize the main idea of this document and describe the process outlined in the document.
Historical Challenges
Research the debate over whether or not the United States should join the League of Nations. Make a chart that summarizes the viewpoints of both sides of the issue.
Interdisciplinary Connections
English Language Arts: Write a newspaper article that summarizes the main points made at the Convention.