Interpreting the Evidence
Peruvian Dancers Carrying Banner in New York City Parade, n.d.
Suggested Teaching Instructions
Document Description
A group of Peruvian Dancers (Agrupacion Artistica Estampas Folkloricas) carry a banner in a New York City parade, n.d.
Historical Context
These Peruvian dancers are celebrating their cultural heritage during a parade in New York City. The celebrants could possibly be part of the annual International Cultures Parade or one of New York’s other similar parades. In order to honor the rich diversity of New York City, thousands of singers, musicians, and folkloric dancers donning traditional costumes and riding giant floats parade through the streets of midtown Manhattan.
The International Cultures Parade was started in 1986 to honor the Centennial of the Statue of Liberty. The theme of the parade is still "a trip around the world in one day." Over one hundred different cultural communities participate and hundreds of thousands of spectators watch. This showcase of culture mirrors the population of New York City and the surrounding metropolitan area. A prominent goal of the parade is to help eradicate discrimination and anti-immigration feelings.
Essential Question
How does immgrant culture impact a local community?
Check for Understanding
Describe the scene in the photograph and explain how this activity impacted the local community.
Historical Challenges
How many different cultural groups were represented in the most recent International Cultural Parade?
Locate Peru on a map. Find out why Peruvians might immigrate to the United States.
Interdisciplinary Connections
English Language Arts: Ask your parents or family members where your ancestors are from. Research their native dress and create a picture of what their group would look like during the International Cultures Parade. Include costumes, instruments, dancers, or whatever else is representative of their culture.
Technology: Find out when the next International Cultures Parade is scheduled to take place. If you live nearby, make a video of the parade and create an audio soundtrack describing the different participants.