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Chronological Reasoning and Causation

The Phyllis Wheatley Club: Citizens Taking Action

  1. Load The Phyllis Wheatley Club, Buffalo, NY in Main Image Viewer
  2. Load At Wheatley Club Newspaper Article in Main Image Viewer
  3. Load "To Supply Colored Poor." Newspaper Article in Main Image Viewer

Suggested Teaching Instructions

NYS Social Studies Framework
4.7 IMMIGRATION AND MIGRATION FROM THE EARLY 1800S TO THE PRESENT: Many people have immigrated and migrated to New York State contributing to its cultural growth and development.
(Standards: 1, 3, 4, 5; Themes: ID, MOV, CIV, ECO, EXCH)
4.7b Beginning in the 1890s, large numbers of African Americans migrated to New York City and other northern cities to work in factories.