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Chronological Reasoning and Causation

Schenectady Invites Lafayette to Visit

  1. Load On Board the Steam Boat, North River, September 15, 1824 in Main Image Viewer
  2. Load City of Schenectady, In Common Council, August 24, 1824 in Main Image Viewer
  3. Load Samuel W. Jones Diary - Page 62 in Main Image Viewer

Suggested Teaching Instructions

NYS Social Studies Framework:
SS Practices C2 - Identify multiple perspectives on an historical event.
SS Practices C3 - Describe and compare New York State historical events.
SS Practices C4 - Recognize the relationship between geography, economics, and history in social studies.
NYS Next Generation ELA Learning Standards: 
4R1, 4R3, 5R1, 5R3, 5R6, 6R1, 6R3, 6R6, 7R1, 7R3, 8R1, 8R3

Teaching Resources