Truck Farm Wagon, 1916
Suggested Teaching Instructions
Document Description
Men loading potatoes and cabbages onto a wagon at a truck farm near the town of Jamaica, Long Island, New York, 1916
Historical Context
A truck farm was a farm that produced vegetables to be sold at the market. Crops grown on truck farms included tomatoes, melons, onions, strawberries, citrus fruit, potatoes, and green vegetables.
Compelling Question
How does geography impact local economies?
Check for Understanding
Describe the scene in the photograph and explain the process by which farmers were able to sell their produce.
Historical Challenges
How did the term "truck farming" originate? (Hint: Some sources disagree.)
Interdisciplinary Connections
Science: Investigate the nutritional benefits of the types of foods offered by truck farms.
English Language Arts: You are the owner of a truck farm. Create a poster that would persuade people to buy items from your truck farm.