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Chronological Reasoning and Causation

Observing Geography: How does geography affect the way people live?

  1. Load Physical Map of New York State in Main Image Viewer
  2. Load Map Showing Boundaries of Physical Regions of New York State in Main Image Viewer
  3. Load Map of New York State Showing Fruit Districts in Main Image Viewer
  4. Load New York Orchard Fruit Crop of 1919 in Main Image Viewer

Suggested Teaching Instructions

Learning Standards and Practices
4.1 GEOGRAPHY OF NEW YORK STATE: New York State has a diverse geography. Various maps can be used to represent and examine the geography of New York State. (Standard: 3; Theme: GEO)

 4.1a Physical and thematic maps can be used to explore New York State’s diverse geography.
Ø Students will be able to identify and map New York State’s major physical features, including mountains, plateaus, rivers, lakes, and large bodies of water, such as the Atlantic Ocean and Long Island Sound.
Ø Students will examine New York State climate and vegetation maps in relation to a New York State physical map, exploring the relationship between physical features and vegetation grown, and between physical features and climate.


Setting the Stage
Familiarize students with the geography of New York State using this video from PBS Learning Media
Tour through New York State.


Supporting Question 1: What are the physical regions of New York State?

Formative Assessment: Identify the physical regions on a blank map of New York State.

​Blank map of New York

Supporting Question 2: Which regions of New York grow the most fruit?

Formative Assessment: Describe the regions of New York that grow the most fruit and explain why they grow the most fruit.

Supporting Question 3: How do maps help us see changes in our communities?

Formative Assessment: List the differences between a map of your local community created in the early 1900s and a current Google Earth image of the same location (use the link below for Google Maps).