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Spring 2018 Educator Guide - Remembering Susan B. Anthony

Spring 2018 Educator Guide - Remembering Susan B. Anthony

Historical Memory

The featured articles in this issue focus on remembering two of the greatest social reformers and activists of the 19th century. Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass loom large in American historical memory.  From a Hall of Fame for Great Americans to busts of prominent individuals, these articles detail the honor bestowed on historical figures and how those honors influence the way we perceive the past.

Compelling Question: How do we remember the past?

Setting the Stage

Compelling Question: How is Susan B. Anthony remembered?

Link to Full Article: Aunt Susan's Place

Document Analysis

Aunt Susan's Place Article

Guided Reading Questions

1. When was Susan B. Anthony elected into the Hall of Fame for Great Americans (HFGA)?

2. What is the HFGA?

3. What are the qualifications to be honored in the HFGA?

4. What steps did women take to get Anthony elected into the HFGA?

5. How was Anthony honored in the HFGA?

6. How does Susan B. Anthony’s election to the Hall of Fame of Great Americans influence the way she is remembered?